Duty Free Shops – Chuck Feeney – From a poor kid to a billionaire, who gave it all away
Chuck Feeney was born poor. He made a fortune selling duty-free goods, building an enterprise out of nothing.
Then, he gave all his money back to th…
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Chuck Feeney was born poor. He made a fortune selling duty-free goods, building an enterprise out of nothing.
Then, he gave all his money back to th…
Danny Zappin , Shay Carl , Lisa Donovan, Ben Donovan, Kassem Gharaibeh and Scott Katz were youtubers.
They banded together and created a Youtube …
LegalZoom.com is an online legal technology company that helps its customers create legal documents without necessarily having to hire a lawyer.
Dorothy Herman called Dottie for short experienced an unbearable trauma in her childhood, which turned her life upside down.
She struggled but sl…
Kathy Ireland dropped out of high school to become a model.
Later, she started Kathy Ireland international to sell clothing and fashion accessorie…
Don Katz started working as a journalist and he was obsessed with listening to books on tape. Tapes had many problems and were bulky to carry.
To …
Most people believe that it is impossible to become a self-made billionaire.
After all, every single billionaire out there had at least some kind…
With around 80 million users and 18 million uploads in forty categories, SlideShare is the biggest presentation-sharing website in the world.
One …
If you ever needed a storage unit to put all your excess belongings, chances are you used one of the thousands of Public Storage facilities.
Or at…
SmugMug is an online service where customers pay to share and store their photos and videos.
Chris MacAskill, the founder, had one of the worst chi…
Toni Ko’s parents immigrated to America, and she did not properly understand English.
She struggled in school and life and at this young age, lea…
The entire story of Basecamp, in fact, a story of doing the opposite of what we think successful companies are supposed to do.
Jason Fried and Dav…