
Holiday Inn: Kemmons Wilson – From Dirt-poor to a Multi-Millionaire Hospitality icon

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Many have heard about the man who revolutionized the lodging industry in the 20th century: Kemmons Wilson — the founder of everyone’s favorite hotel chain, Holiday Inn.

But behind this incredible man, there’s an even more incredible story. This is the story of a poor boy who vowed never to be hungry again.

What you could learn from this episode:

  • What his mother told him, even though they were poor, which made him successful in life.
  • How he overcame an impossible to fix problem with his mother’s guidance
  • How he gradually grew, taking one step, one idea at a time.
  • How he got the idea for Holiday Inn, with his own personal problem.
  • How he did not follow his passion, but showed a passion for whatever opportunity he came across.

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