
Clif Bar : From a broke baker living in a garage to a multi-millionaire


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Gary worked in a bicycle factory during his day time and started a bakery on the side.

He loved long distance bike riding and during one such long  ride,  even though he was dead hungry, he couldn’t eat the one remaining  energy power bar.

It was like a bitter pill.

He decided to create a better tasting energy bar. He started Clif bar but came to closing it down many times, but he forged ahead and succeeded and became  a multi-millionaire.

What you could learn from this episode:

  • What he did to save money to start his business
  • How he got the idea for his bakery
  • How he chose the name for his bakery
  • Why he didn’t leave his job even though he had his business.
  • How he got the idea for Clif bar
  • What bike riding and Rock climbing taught about business.
  • How he came close to closing down the business and how he survived.
  • How he came out of a major set back.

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